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  • Relationship Mastery: From Fear to Love

Relationship Mastery: From Fear to Love

This course is designed to elevate your experience of happiness, emotional freedom, peace, profound love, and deep connection with a partner. We also discuss common mistakes in marriages and how fear often lead to separation, loneliness, and even divorce and how to avoid them.
  • Last updated Jul 09, 2024
  • English (Canada)

What you'll learn

  • Why has (self) love got to do with it
  • The key to intimacy and happiness
  • Why marriages fail and end in divorce
  • Why the problem is often not the actual problem, just a symptom
  • The power of vulnerability and how to master it
  • How to listen with curiosity and empathy
  • What habits need to avoid or stop
  • Why it all starts with our parents and our childhood
  • How to let go of the past, shame, guilt and self-doubt
  • How to shift from fear and lack, to love.
  • Building trust and teamwork
  • The magic of being best friends 
  • How to create a relationship with your dreams with confidence, ease, and joy.
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This course is all about how to create the love you've always wanted. In this course, we talk about why we struggle with feeling unappreciated, unloved, and alone. We will walk you through the steps of discovering what is missing, how fear gets in the way, and how fear affects our thoughts, emotions, and experience of the people we love. This course, if followed, is designed to cause a radical shift in how you perceive yourself, your relationship, and the people you love. We also discuss the importance of forgiveness, teamwork, communication, and owning our expectations and reactions. By the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of what it takes to fall in love with your partner, life, and yourself again.


This course is for everyone of all levels an all circumstances. If you are:

  • single and want to know how to be a great partner,
  • or you are in a committed relationship and are doing great so far, but want to look for ideas on how to take it up a notch,
  • or if you are on the brink of divorce and are looking for solutions and strategies to help you resolve your differences,

this course is for you! 


Jeanell Greene
  • 3 Learners
  • 3 Courses
  • 0.0

Relationship Mastery: From Fear to Love
$ 79.00 USD
CV: 36 QV: 79 SV: 51

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  • Learners0
  • Sections1
  • Lessons9
  • Skill LevelIntermediate
  • Language English (Canada)
  • Certificate No
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