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  • Awaken to Inner Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Awaken to Inner Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Come to recognize and feel that you already are the peace and happiness you seek. With this breakthrough book, you can experience this liberating truth. Let its penetrating wisdom and potent divine energy help free you from your traumas, wounds, and conditioning.
  • Last updated Jan 14, 2025
  • English (United States)
  • General Audiences - suitable for all ages

What you'll learn

This book will help you ...

  • Know and feel that you, the Divine Spark, the light of Awareness, already are at peace in the midst of challenging thoughts and world events
  • Recognize that you are already free from your ancestral, birth and childhood tribulations
  • Experience relief from fear, anxiety, and pain
  • Transmute lingering childhood traumas into inner peace
  • End the illusion of separation and begin to feel as one with all creation
  • Experience true forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others
  • Overcome the fear of death
  • Know and feel what is meant by spiritual awakening
  • Free yourself from your socially-imposed biographical and biological identity
  • Shift from endlessly seeking peace and happiness to experiencing them as your natural state
  • Be able to abide in peace in the midst of thought storms and challenging feelings
  • Feel lighter and happier for no reason

Why wait for freedom? Start now!


Review by Benjamin Bernstein: 

"In this well-written spiritual guide, you'll learn there's nothing you have to do to be the divine peace you already are! This book is full of helpful, loving, gentle reminders to be with what is, just as it is.

This is not a “spiritual bypass,” and there's plenty of attention paid to the issues of trauma and the wounded inner child. But the authors’ approach, based on a yin approach of radical acceptance, is a refreshing alternative to other arduous awakening and healing approaches that require herculean effort, but reap few rewards.

The authors have laid out the book in small, easy to read sections, and also provide twelve “Freedom Explorations” to help you experience the profound peacefulness at your core. Will this be the book that finally unlocks the spiritual awakening you've been seeking?" 

Review by Richard Lanoix: 

Radavie Riom and Doug DeCarlo have provided a wonderful, concise, and direct path to finding the elusive inner peace that is so widely sought after. The thoughtful combination of information, theory, and practical “Freedom Explorations” is brilliant and extremely beneficial. This work takes the reader on a journey that is ultimately propelled by the reader’s very own self-explorations, which gives great power and meaning to the experience. Many “spiritual” and/or self-help books provide many laudable ideas but don’t necessarily pave a clear path from A to B. The authors have succeeded in both presenting great ideas from the world’s greatest wisdom traditions, as well as breaking them down in such a masterful way as to make them practical and practicable. They present lofty ideas that build onto each other to challenge the reader’s personal perspective and experience, and the “explorations” bring it all to the heart level, leading to transformation and transcendence. One could certainly just read this goldmine of a book as a tourist, just absorbing the concepts and wisdom. However, the real treasure is to take the deep dive offered with the explorations in order to indeed awaken to inner peace. Great book!

Review by Jeff S. 

There is so much wisdom and insight within the pages of this book. Having gone on a spiritual path without guidance for a period of time, it can be very daunting and difficult. I was lucky to find my spiritual guide in the form of my acupuncturist. This book would have been a saving grace during that time to help explain what I was experiencing, and offering insight on how to navigate it and move forward! 

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Come to recognize and feel that you already are the peace and happiness you seek. With this breakthrough book, you can experience this liberating truth. Let its penetrating wisdom and potent divine energy help free you from your traumas, wounds, and conditioning.




Radavie Riom
@radavie Inner Peace is Possible
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Inner Peace is Possible

Awaken to Inner Peace in the Midst of Chaos
$ 14.99 USD
CV: 7 QV: 15 SV: 10

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  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English (United States)
  • Certificate No
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