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🚀 Learn Your #ConstitutionalRights – 100% FREE Online Course! 🇺🇸

Know Your Rights! I’m passionate about helping others succeed & defending our freedoms! Support the Institute on the Constitution—restoring our Republic through grassroots education. Pray. Study. Act. FREE Constitution Course! Let’s stand for freedom!
  • Last updated Mar 15, 2025
  • English (United States)
  • General Audiences - suitable for all ages

What you'll learn

📚 Get this FREE Course in The Great Discovery!
Start with Lesson #1: An American View of Law, Liberty, and Government—a powerful introduction to the true foundations of American law and governance. We’re confident you’ll love it so much that you’ll want to become an IOTC Member and experience the rest of the lessons!

By the end of this FREE course, you will have a solid foundation in the principles of the U.S. Constitution, deepening your understanding of your rights and responsibilities as an American citizen. You will be able to:

Recognize your Constitutional rights and explain key amendments.
Identify the structure of government and the foundations of American law.
Understand the role of citizens in preserving freedom and self-governance.
Confidently discuss Constitutional principles with others.
Decide whether to take the full course and continue your learning journey.

📢 Take the Next Step!
Study the U.S. Constitution in 12 Short Lessons—delivered automatically to your email inbox every week! Choose to dive deeper and complete the full course for a comprehensive understanding of America’s founding principles.

➡️ Become An Institute On The Constitution Member Today 🇺🇸✨

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Gain a deeper understanding of the U.S. Constitution and its Biblical foundations. Download and print your student manual/pdf, watch the lesson lecture, and complete the homework assignments. 📚 What You’ll Learn: ✅ The American View of Law & Government and its Biblical roots ✅ The presuppositions behind the Declaration of Independence ✅ The role of civil government in protecting God-given rights ✅ The importance of history in restoring lawful government ➡️ Start your journey today!

Welcome to Lesson #1: An American View of Law, Liberty, and Government Thank you for choosing to take this FIRST FREE Course in The Great Discovery! 🎉 This lesson serves as a powerful introduction to the true foundations of American law and governance. At the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC), we believe that understanding our rights and responsibilities is essential to preserving liberty. That’s why we’ve made this first lesson free—because we know you’ll love it so much that you’ll want to become an IOTC Member and continue with the rest of the lessons! What You Will Learn in This Lesson By the end of Lesson #1, you will: ✅ Understand that there is a specific view of Law and Government that is distinctly American, known as "The American View", based on a Biblical Worldview. ✅ Identify the foundational presuppositions behind "The American View" and recognize them in the Declaration of Independence. ✅ Articulate the Biblical purpose of government and its relevance to law and society. ✅ Distinguish the American/Biblical View from other political and legal philosophies. ✅ Explore the basic principles of law, including Blackstone’s definitions of The Law of Nature, Revealed Law, and Municipal Law. ✅ Define what a Constitution is and why it is critical to lawful government. ✅ Recognize the importance of history in restoring and maintaining a constitutional government. This course will equip you with the foundational knowledge you need to understand, defend, and apply the principles of liberty that America was built upon. Let’s get started! 🚀🇺🇸

Discover how you can help restore the constitutional republic from the ground up...


Language Requirement: This course is only offered in English at this time. A proficient understanding of English is necessary to follow the lessons, complete assignments, and engage with course materials.

Prerequisite Knowledge & Skills:

  • No prior legal or constitutional knowledge required—this course is designed for learners of all levels.
  • Basic reading comprehension and critical thinking skills will help you analyze foundational documents like the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
  • A willingness to study independently, reflect on historical perspectives, and apply principles of law, liberty, and government to modern issues.


Kristin Kodenski
@KristinKodenski Creative Director Of Midnight Design and Promos
  • 0 Learners
  • 1 Course
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Creative Director Of Midnight Design and Promos

🚀 Learn Your #ConstitutionalRights – 100% FREE Online Course! 🇺🇸

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  • Learners0
  • Sections4
  • Lessons5
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English (United States)
  • Certificate No
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