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  • Connect, Serve, and Ask Your Way to Success in Networking

Connect, Serve, and Ask Your Way to Success in Networking

This course is built upon practical strategies for mastering the Connect, Serve, and Ask One to one approach.
  • Last updated Aug 20, 2024
  • English

What you'll learn

Connect, Serve, and Ask (CSA) "One to ones" are the initial encounters or meetings with new individuals that are centered around the deliberate act of building trust, leading to a natural liking and knowing. While trust can be established more quickly, many individuals struggle with knowing where to begin when it comes to building trust with others.

Building a relationship often follows the path of "like, know, and trust". When professionals engage in a "One to One Meeting", they typically adhere to this pattern. However, in the "Connect, Serve, and Ask One to One Meeting" the focus shifts toward intentionally establishing trust. By dedicating time to earn trust, the progression of like and know will naturally follow.

The Connect, Serve, and Ask (CSA) "One to ones" approach is a powerful communication strategy utilized in diverse settings to engage with professionals, colleagues, and individuals in general. Its primary objective is to cultivate TRUST, leading to a natural progression of liking and knowing one another. 

The key to achieving success in Connect, Serve, and Ask (CSA) "One to ones" lies in your ability to skillfully guide the discussion. Regardless of the level of control you have, it is essential to maintain a strong sense of professionalism, empathy, and adaptability throughout the Connect, Serve, and Ask (CSA) "One to one".

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This course is built upon practical strategies for mastering the Connect, Serve, and Ask One to one approach. These strategies are essential for those looking to excel in diverse environments such professional settings or home. By implementing the Connect, Serve, and Ask principles in your one-on-ones, you not only access valuable insights but also actively contribute to fostering trust and collaboration within the community.


This is for all who are interested in improving their networking skills. Networking should not be transactional and it should be about building Trusted-Relationships.


Clayton Hicks
@clayhicks Connect, Serve, and Ask™
  • 1 Learner
  • 1 Course
  • 0.0

Connect, Serve, and Ask™

Connect, Serve, and Ask Your Way to Success in Networking
  • Learners1
  • Sections1
  • Lessons1
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English
  • Certificate No
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