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  • What Does Freedom Mean to You?

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

That's me in Air Force Basic Training! Today, funnels bring me freedom to choose ...when I take time off ...when & where I work hours of operation ...time spent with family Remember the reason you started a business – freedom, autonomy, liberty. Let's get there together!
Genius Club
  • Last updated Jul 29, 2024
  • English (United States)

What you'll learn

How to gain the freedom you were looking for when you started your business.

How automated business systems allow you to spend more quality time with your family.

Why your leads and customers will be happier and stay longer when you establish regular, steady communications with them.

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Let's discuss the ways that freedom appears in our lives. In this lesson, I focus mostly on freedom of time - the ability to choose when, where, and with whom I work every day in my business.


Yes, that picture is me as a 19-year-old Air Force Basic Trainee!  I was honored to serve my country – to protect our nation’s freedom.  It brought the added bonus of my individual freedom to see and experience the world.

Today, in my business, funnels equal freedom!  Freedom to choose when I take time off, when and where I work, my hours of operation.  It’s the ultimate reward for lots of hard work, worry, strategy, and perseverance.

Without the automated systems that I have set up in my business, I wouldn’t be able to travel in my RV to see bluegrass festivals throughout the spring, summer, and fall. 

Without the pre-built “welcome” series of emails and “nurture” campaigns, some new leads would surely fall through the cracks….and some clients might feel left out if I couldn’t stay in touch with them on a regular basis.

Remember the reason you started a business in the first place – most entrepreneurs will say it was for the freedom, autonomy, liberty, and ultimately so that they have discretion on how they spend their time.

If you’re hovering over the keyboard, a slave to your business…then you’re not living the dream that got you here.  Let’s make your dream come true, together!


Rita Thomas
@FunnelGodmother Automation. More Money. Less Stress.
  • 4 Learners
  • 5 Courses
  • 0.0

Automation. More Money. Less Stress.

What Does Freedom Mean to You?
  • Learners2
  • Sections1
  • Lessons1
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English (United States)
  • Certificate No
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