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  • Anger Alchemy 2: Conquering Anger Mountain

Anger Alchemy 2: Conquering Anger Mountain

Forget anger management and pillow pounding! Stop being put off by your own anger and other people's. Through Dr. Gruder's follow-up to his free Anger Alchemy introduction course, you'll develop full-spectrum anger literacy and effectiveness. There's nothing like it from anyone else at any price.
  • Last updated Jan 14, 2025
  • English (United States)
  • General Audiences - suitable for all ages

What you'll learn

Conquering Anger Mountain diagram

Forget anger management, screaming into (or pounding) pillows, and anger phobia!
Anger Alchemy 2 equips you, like no other resource, to effectively deal with all four varieties of anger (yes, there are 4, not just 1, and each must be dealt with quite differently from the others!:
  1. Boundaries: "no" or "ouch" without agitation, blame, or shame
  2. Escalation: increasing agitation accompanied by blame or shame
  3. Flooding: brain bathed in stress chemicals that turn off our ability to speak and act reasonably and lock us into animal-impulse reactivity
  4. Looping: recycling anger that's activated in here-and-now situations because of unresolved anger from prior situations.
You will also discover proven ways to repair Anger Damage, create new plans for handling future situations, and vastly uplevel your emotional intelligence and effectiveness. By mastering the art of Full-Spectrum Anger Literacy, you will rise to new levels of navigating difficult situations with confidence and poise. 
This is your unparalleled opportunity to alchemize your anger into a force for personal wellbeing, effective relationships, and positive change!
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Drink up Dr. Gruder's tips for getting the most from this "Anger Alchemy 2" course: Conquering Anger Mountain. Then get acquainted with the four distinctly different forms of anger, and how each needs to be dealt with differently. This will prepare you to get the most from all 8 sections in Dr. Gruder's highly acclaimed one-of-a-kind Full Spectrum Anger Literacy and Effectiveness System™.

Discover how to master the only form of pure authentic anger that exists: Boundaries -- any limit I need to honor to love or collaborate with you without resentment and with integrity.

Learn how to recognize when you're agitated at a level that is reducing your effectiveness and personal power. Discover a simple way to de-escalate your agitation so you can prevent anger damage and take charge of your boundaries in a self-empowered way.

Learn how to recognize when anger in you or someone else has escalated to where a reasonable discussion is temporarily impossible, and, more importantly, what to do and not do when this happens.

This is the most toxic, difficult, and disempowering form that anger can take. It's the variety (flavor) of anger that endlessly recycles in situations that are reminiscent of prior situations from which you're still carrying unresolved anger. This form of anger, which is the Anger Purgatory area of the Conquering Anger Mountain diagram, creates the most damage in personal and work relationships. In this module you'll discover the ingredients that keep Looping Anger locked in place, how to spot looping anger, and how to lay the foundation for Looping Anger Freedom. This module goes hand-in-hand with the next module, in which you'll learn how to complete unresolved anger so it no longer breeds looping, no longer undermines your personal power, and no longer toxifies your relationships.

This is the most important anger skill that most psychotherapists and coaches have never been trained to help with: ending looping/recycling/stuck anger instead of having to keep managing it over and over again. This is your one-of-a-kind opportunity to develop Anger Completion Literacy!

Master the art of apologizing for anger damage done that actually mean ssomething. The little-known and rarely used form of apology you'll learn in this module tends to do a far better job of repairing anger's damage and enhancing personal and work relationships more effectively than anything else you've probably seen!

This review of your journey through the Full Spectrum Anger Literacy & Effectiveness System™ pulls this entire course together in ways that prepare you to continue using what you've learned for the rest of your life!


While not a requirement for enrolling in this course, consider reviewing the free introductory course.


David Gruder
@davidgruder The Polymath of Human Potential
  • 2 Learners
  • 2 Courses
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The Polymath of Human Potential

Anger Alchemy 2: Conquering Anger Mountain
$ 99.00 USD
CV: 45 QV: 99 SV: 64

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  • Learners0
  • Sections8
  • Lessons35
  • Skill LevelIntermediate
  • Language English (United States)
  • Certificate No
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