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  • The Transformational Accelerator: The Fast Track to Transformational Leadership Excellence

The Transformational Accelerator: The Fast Track to Transformational Leadership Excellence

This “Basics of Leadership” program is for business leaders in a start-up or mature business wanting to grow their skills, build effective teams, and increase effectiveness creating better bottom-line profits.
  • Last updated Jan 14, 2025
  • English
  • General Audiences - suitable for all ages

What you'll learn

The this self-paced learning program for entrepreneurs, you will have valuable content that I have created in over 35 years of building successful, profitable businesses and nonprofits. You will have access to the program AND be able to download all of my valuable content to create your own leadership workbook to keep and use forever!

Here's what you will learn:

  • How to grow your skills to run a successful enterprise of any type
  • How to build high-performing teams
  • How to create a plan to achieve your vision and attract recurring revenue
  • Know what to do next and be able to act
  • And much, much more!
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Transformation Leadership: Hugh Ballou's 4 Leadership Principles are preparation for the journey for The Transformational Leadership Accelerator program.

Preparing to learn is the objective of the total program and the format for the first lesson in the program. This leadership program is delivered in PDF format for downloading to create on ongoing notebook that will serve as a life-long leadership resource. Each lesson is also delivered in audio as an .mp3 file.

Transformational Leadership is a style of leadership that creates and utilized strong team and builds leaders on teams. It is scalable as the business grows. This lesson explains the style of leadership and gives all the necessary information to begin to utilize this extremely effective tool.

Defining what the company holds as nonnegotiable core values is the building block for a solid foundation for a successful business. This lesson gives practical examples of how to create this fundamental foundation for planning and leading a successful organization.

The Vision Statements is the defining statement and defines the concept for a business. The Mission Statement is the application of the Vision. Develop concise and powerful words for these compelling statements are key to connecting with your market. This lesson takes the participant through a step-by-step process for creating powerful, engaging words.

Goals are the backbone of any successful business planning process. It is not without effort that these effective tools are created. This lesson provides a process for creating effective goals that the team understands and knows how to implement. The S.M.A.R.T. process in expanded with Hugh’s teaching. There are downloadable templates to make this process easier to understand and complete.

The best plans stall and many fail in the implementation phase of the process. Hugh’s solid plan for implementation is based on planning for action and setting accountability standard for the leader and each team member. Moving from long-term vision to action steps insure success. There are downloadable templates to make this process easier understand and implement.

The core of a successful business in the talent on board to run the day-to-day operations. Building and maintaining effective relationships within and outside the organization is key. Finding and empowering the best people is the core of this lesson. There are many kinds of teams. There are many dysfunctional teams. Learn how to minimize conflict, build enthusiasm, and get more done with teams.

The mastermind alliance was defined by Napoleon Hill and utilized by many successful business leaders since. This core strategy will insure ultimate success if constructed and utilized effectively. (No Bonus for this lesson.)

Meetings, meeting, meetings – everybody hates boring, unproductive meetings. Hugh’s sure-fire 10 principles for conducting power-packed meetings is a key tool that will change your life. Planning the meeting, conduction the best meeting, and getting results between meetings are the key components you will master in this lesson. This one lesson is worth the price of the program alone. The downloadable planning template will insure that you do not leave out a critical step in this all-important process.

Having goals and action plans are the beginning of the journey toward success. Making sure that things happen as planned or as modified are key elements for staying on track and constantly moving forward. It’s not that you can plan perfectly, it that you can modify as necessary that is important. This lesson provides systems and strategies for measuring success, making necessary adjustments, and renegotiating agreements to insure the best results.

Too much to do and too little time to do it is the cry of the busy and frantic business leader. Learning how to let go and focus are two principle themes of this lesson. Are you spending time on things that interfere with your overall productivity? Well the answers are in this lesson. No bonus for this lesson.

Balance does not mean that everything is equal. Balance is a critical success set of ratios that insure that the leader is prepared, rested, focused, and centered for action. Balance does not happen accidentally. It happens with constant focus and intention. This is the first principle of leadership and one of the most important. No bonus for this lesson.

After develop the leadership skills and acquiring many new tools, it is important to continue learning and growing in these areas. Keeping current and staying on track are intentional processes that pay dividends over a lifetime of leadership.


This program is for experienced leaders and for those who are potential leaders with no experience. There's something for everyone to learn. You get to keep all the content and create you own leadership workbook, so you can review the material and learn the next important steps when you are ready to learn. Start where you are and grow your skills to be where you want to be.


Hugh Ballou
@hugh Leadership Conductor
  • 6 Learners
  • 5 Courses
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Leadership Conductor

The Transformational Accelerator: The Fast Track to Transformational Leadership Excellence
$ 199.00 USD
CV: 91 QV: 199 SV: 129

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  • Learners0
  • Sections14
  • Lessons77
  • Skill LevelIntermediate
  • Language English
  • Certificate No
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