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  • 3 Tools to Raise Your EQ, Build Resilience, and Improve Your Relationships

3 Tools to Raise Your EQ, Build Resilience, and Improve Your Relationships

High Emotional Intelligence (EQ) affects success in relationships more than high IQ. Learn three simple tools to uplevel your EQ: • Improve your interactions within family, friends, and co-workers • Choose your response • Decrease your stress level
  • Last updated Jun 19, 2024
  • English (United States)
  • Translated to:

What you'll learn

Learn three simple tools to uplevel your EQ - Emotional Intelligence:

• Improve your interactions with family, friends, and co-workers for compassionate relationships
• Get centered so you can choose your response rather than react to the unexpected
• Decrease your stress level so you can bring your best self into the day


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The Reframing Tool helps people reduce their stress level. The NADA Tool guides a thought process to address a situation of conflicting emotions. The Rewrite Tool gives people a new way to think about a stressful memory. These three tools, stories and thoughtful exercises offer tips and strategies that help build resilience muscles. Class participants can respond to stressful situations from a higher perspective that helps preserve relationships.


What you need is an open heart and open mind.

This Master Class is espeically for heart-led leaders, teachers, parents, and grandparents who want to influence the next generations. The change we want to see in the world starts within ourselves. 


Leah Skurdal is a Spiritual Resilience Guide, Resilience Event Leader, energy healer, transformational speaker and author. She guides heart-led leaders to nurture a resilient body-mind, make heart connections, and respond to change with agility. Her workshop participants up-level their stress response, improve their relationships and expand their impact. Leah is author of Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy and is co-author in the #1 Amazon Best-selling Wellness Universe book series. 

Leah has spoken at events for World Mental Health Day, World Peace Day, the Parliament for World Religions, Women and Spirituality Conference, local businesswomen’s and wellness facilities. Leah contributes to The Wellness Universe as the COO, event leader, workshop presenter, co-author and blogger. She hosted a resilience building event series, soul embodiment meditations, and High Vibration Living: Leaders Bridging Inner & Outer Peace in partnership with the Wellness Universe.



3 Tools to Raise Your EQ, Build Resilience, and Improve Your Relationships
  • Learners0
  • Sections1
  • Lessons1
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English (United States)
  • Certificate No
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