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  • Breathwork for Calming the Mind

Breathwork for Calming the Mind

Be guided through 4 different breathwork techniques called the 4 purifications. These powerful breathwork practices help to clear the mind of stress and leave the body feeling relaxed and content.
  • Last updated Jun 12, 2024
  • English
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What you'll learn

Learn the four purifications breathwork or pranayama techniques as taught by Baba Hari Das.

Prana = life force energy  Yama = control or restraint

When we learn to control our life force energy we have the ability to respond to life with mindfulness and calmness rather than reacting.


  • promotes cellular health
  • purifies the blood and nourishes the body with oxygen
  • efficiently expels CO2 and cleanses the body
  • reduces stress in the body and mind, inducing tranquility and peace
  • balances the subtle energies of the body
  • digests physical & emotional matter
  • raises awareness

They are best practiced in the morning before food and after a bowel movement

*Do not practice when sick or menstruating and stop if you feel nauseous or dizzy during 

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The four purifications together purify the entire body, allowing energy to move more freely and naturally. They are complementary practices in that they each focus on purifying different areas of the body using four basic types of breath. This practice can be done before any meditation practice to help prepare the body and mind. A great way to start your day and helps prepare the body and mind for deep meditation. By practicing these 4 breathwork techniques you will become more aware of your breath throughout the day and find more presence and peace. While the practices come from ancient yogic texts this particular instruction is based on the teachings of Baba Hari Das. Hari Om Tat Sat


This course is taught for beginners who have no knowledge of pranayama or breathwork.

When seated use a cushion to raise the hips higher than the knees.  You can also sit in a chair with the feet flat on the ground.

Have a quiet space with no distractions.

Tissues might be helpful to clear the breathing pathways.



My mission is to help people enhance their sacred relationship to life, their body, and each other through mindfullness, yoga, animal flow, and massage.  I guide people to find freedom from dis-ease and rediscover our true nature of health and freedom.  We all deserve to thrive and enjoy the gift of a resilient body and mind.


Breathwork for Calming the Mind
  • Learners10
  • Sections1
  • Lessons4
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English
  • Certificate No
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