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  • The Pie : A recipe for Personal Growth

The Pie : A recipe for Personal Growth

Level Up💎 Start your day by baking your pie of success. Success should be as satisfying as a delicious piece of pie that you crave every day. Without a worthy ideal, it’s easy to get swept up in life’s chaos. Our dreams protect us, and positive thoughts about them can strengthen your aura.
  • Last updated May 24, 2024
  • English (United States)
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What you'll learn

In the “The Pie: A Recipe for Personal Growth” course, you will learn to transform your personal growth journey through the metaphor of baking a pie. Discover how to identify and leverage your strengths, set achievable goals, and create a personalized action plan for self-improvement. By the end of the course, you will have the tools to bake your own Perfect Pie of success and fulfillment, and apply these principles to other areas of your life. Embark on this transformative journey and unlock your full potential!

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Discover the 12 Ingredients to add to your Life Pie:


Course Materials Needed:
1. Notebook or Journal for note-taking and reflections.
2. Pen or Pencil for writing down ideas and goals.
3. Computer or Smartphone with internet access for course materials. Optional: Baking supplies and visualization board materials for a hands-on experience. Remember to bring an open mind and positive attitude to fully engage in the course.


In contemplating the things I desire to know, I find a deep love for life, family, and home. Reflecting on the journey of speaking life into existence, I am drawn to the concept of chakras and connecting with divine forces to manifest my dreams. My mission is to inspire others to open their minds and pursue their aspirations wholeheartedly.

Traveling the world taught me a valuable lesson - no one can hand you success on a silver platter. Even if someone offers you a job, there are no guarantees. The true keys to success lie in one’s mindset and unwavering faith. When you encounter someone who embodies the success you seek, take the time to understand her mindset; it may hold the key to your own success.

The Pie : A recipe for Personal Growth
  • Learners1
  • Sections1
  • Lessons2
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English (United States)
  • Certificate No
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