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  • Supercharging the Laws of the Universe with Superhuman Kindness and Learning to Earn with AI!

Supercharging the Laws of the Universe with Superhuman Kindness and Learning to Earn with AI!

Welcome to an extraordinary journey that merges the timeless wisdom of the Law of Attraction with the transformative power of AI and Superhuman Kindness to unlock your full potential and manifest a life of abundance, purpose, and joy.
  • Last updated Jun 22, 2024
  • English
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What you'll learn

Welcome to an extraordinary journey that merges the timeless wisdom of the Law of Attraction with the transformative power of AI and Superhuman Kindness. This course is designed to equip you with the tools and understanding to unlock your full potential and manifest a life of abundance, purpose, and joy. Together, we'll explore the interconnectedness of these forces, revealing how they can work together to create a world where kindness reigns supreme and technology empowers us to achieve our greatest dreams.

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Introduction to the Course This course will guide you through the principles of the Law of Attraction, the importance of Superhuman Kindness, and the transformative potential of AI in the modern world. We'll explore practical techniques, real-life examples, and cutting-edge insights that will empower you to manifest your desires and create a life you love.


Be Coachable and Open to Help Me Help You Use AI to Get You Whereever You Want to Go as a Stakeholder in the Zones of HumanKindness.


I'm Mike Hayes, a seasoned media marketing literacy and strategy expert storyteller and course creator with a diverse and illustrious career spanning a number of decades. My journey began with NBC TV and Radio Networks in New York, where I honed my skills and gained invaluable experience in the media industry where I've made hundreds of millions of dollars in sales.

Career Highlights

NBC TV and Radio Networks, New York

  • Peabody Award-Winning Documentarian: I am proud to have been a two-time Peabody Award winner, recognized for my exceptional work in documentary storytelling.

  • Creator of "The Keys to Success" Show: This show was a groundbreaking series where I had the privilege of interviewing some of the most influential figures in the world, including Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, and Grant Cardone. The show featured hundreds of top leaders in excellence, media, and marketing, providing insights into their paths to success.

NBC Sports

  • Interviewer of Peak Performers: I spent years on the road with NBC Sports, where I had the unique opportunity to interview peak performer athletes and broadcasters at the height of their careers. These experiences allowed me to delve into the minds of champions and understand the attributes that drive their success.

Achievements in Media Marketing

  • Client Success: My expertise in media marketing has led to extraordinary results for my clients, with hundreds of millions of dollars in sales of products and services. My strategic approach and deep understanding of the market have consistently delivered outstanding outcomes.

  • I have many, many video testimonials from world-class leaders and peak performers about the BIG results I've gotten for media superstars and now I'm looking for media future stars to ask them to help me help them get to whereever THEY want to go.

Current Roles

Dean of Content AI Supercampus

  • Chief Disrupter of AI Apathy and Ignorance: In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, I am dedicated to combating apathy and ignorance surrounding AI. My documentarian research experience enables me to explore and demystify AI, making it accessible and understandable to a broader audience.

School of AI Business Networking Success and Prosperity

  • Dean: As the Content Dean, I lead initiatives to educate and empower individuals in leveraging AI for business networking and success. My focus is on promoting actions and activities that enhance human kindness and contribute to the greater good.

Mission and Vision

My mission is to utilize my extensive background in media and marketing to foster an environment where knowledge, innovation, and compassion intersect. I am committed to driving positive change through education, storytelling, and the strategic application of AI, ensuring that these advancements serve humanity's best interests.

Join me on The Great Discovery as we explore the limitless potential of AI and media marketing, unlocking new avenues for success and prosperity in our ever-changing world in which we live in.  I hope you'll join me so I can help you get to where you want to go with the spirit of human kindness with Six Sigma and The Great Discovery.  Warmly, Mike Hayes 

Supercharging the Laws of the Universe with Superhuman Kindness and Learning to Earn with AI!
  • Learners2
  • Sections1
  • Lessons1
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English
  • Certificate No
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