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  • How to Walk Your Way Out of Chronic Pain

How to Walk Your Way Out of Chronic Pain

Nearly everyone walks improperly, which can maintain chronic pain. This free course reveals how proper arm swing, hip rotation, and calf-pumping blood back to the heart can relieve pain and reduce high blood pressure by improving circulation. Be free of a walker later in life with proper walking!
  • Last updated Jun 12, 2024
  • English
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What you'll learn

Chronic pain can be reduced and even eliminated through the power of using proper walking techniques. Nearly everyone on the planet has some version of dysfunctional walking. The average person takes between 30,000 and 50,000 repetitive movements EVERY DAY! Walking is the main repetitive movement, with most people walking between 2,000 and 15,000 steps each day. Dysfunctional walking patterns can show up as limps, walking back on the heels, looking down at the ground too much, restricted arm swinging, restrictions in shoulder movement, walking flatfooted, among many others. Dysfunctional walking patterns can lead to neuromuscular imbalances, abnormal curvature of the spine, hips that are our of position, forward head posture, and most relevant to this course ….. CHRONIC PAIN!

In this free course, you will discover the secrets to optimal walking, so you can reach the full potential of your body's natural mechanics, and improve circulation and overall health. Prepare for newfound freedom from discomfort and embrace a more active, fulfilling lifestyle.

·         Uncover the fundamental principles of proper walking to alleviate stress on your spine and joints and conserve energy.

·         Master the art of efficient calf muscle pumping, promoting improved circulation, oxygenation, and potential relief from conditions like high blood pressure.

·         Learn a gradual, sustainable approach to incorporating proper walking techniques into your daily routine, allowing your body to adapt and thrive.

You will gain the knowledge and practical skills to change your walking habits, eliminate dysfunctional patterns, and potentially bid farewell to chronic pain. Remember to use proper walking techniques sparingly at first and slowly increase the number of steps you take so that you do not overtax your leg muscles, as they become accustomed to functioning in new ways (this is explained more fully in the course).

Learning and using proper walking will also support your efforts to eliminate chronic pain, naturally, without drugs, when you engage in various forms of treatment (e.g. physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, pain management specialists, etc.). Improper, or dysfunctional walking can reduce the effectiveness of other treatments and can cause you to go back into pain. The word “synergy” is important here. Proper walking is synergistic with other forms of treatment, meaning that the benefits of proper walking together with other treatments are greater than benefits of any treatment alone. The bottom line is that proper walking is a critical component of getting pain free and operating at a higher level of performance! With what you learn in this course, you can say goodbye to debilitating discomfort and embrace a newfound vitality that will elevate your quality of life!

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Learn how to walk properly to increase your mobility, blood circulation, and range of motion at any age!




Dr. Bob is a highly accomplished and multifaceted professional who has dedicated his career to improving lives through innovative approaches to health and wellness. With a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from George Washington University and extensive training in mind-body therapies, acupuncture, and neuromuscular movement education, he has developed groundbreaking methods for alleviating chronic pain, stress, and anxiety without the use of drugs.

His pioneering work includes the development of the all-natural, drug-free Automatic Pattern Recognition & Interruption (APRI) System, which has helped countless individuals break free from the chains of chronic pain and embrace a more fulfilling life. Dr. Bob's forthcoming book, "Breaking the Chains of Chronic Pain: Solving the Opioid and Fentanyl Crisis Naturally Without Drugs," promises to be a game-changer in the field of holistic health and wellness.

Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Bob has made numerous significant contributions to the medical and scientific communities. He has published over 80 papers, edited five books, and secured over $10 million in funding to support groundbreaking research in brain research, neurology, psychiatry, and holistic health. His innovative approach to pain management has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the "Leader in Medical Innovation Award" and the "Detroit Crain's Healthcare Hero" award.

With a passion for public service and a servant's heart, Dr. Bob has touched the lives of thousands through his large in-person group programs, professional speaking engagements, and weekly radio talk show, "Wellness Action Report." His dedication to education and mentorship has inspired countless individuals, including MDs, PhDs, graduate and undergraduate students, and high school students.

Dr. Bob's unwavering commitment to natural, drug-free solutions for chronic pain, stress, and anxiety has made him a trailblazer in the field of integrative medicine. His unique blend of scientific expertise, innovative techniques, and genuine compassion make him a trusted guide on the journey to optimal health and well-being.

How to Walk Your Way Out of Chronic Pain
  • Learners3
  • Sections1
  • Lessons3
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English
  • Certificate No
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