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  • Release Replenish Rejuvenate

Release Replenish Rejuvenate

There has never been a more important time to realize what you think about, you bring about. Release, replenish, and rejuvenate is the process of becoming a better version of yourself. Your mind, body, and spirit will be in a state of awareness, which will help you to operate at your highest self.
  • Last updated Jun 12, 2024
  • English
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What you'll learn

The different strategies provided will help you liberate yourself, set your mind free, take charge and awaken that sleeping giant within.

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Learn to release unwanted negative thinking that is hold you back from becoming a better version of yourself.

Learn new strategies to over power negative thinking with positive thinking. Create a new way of thinking.

Learn how to be in a state of awareness to prevent falling back into the old way of thinking.

Know the importance of keeping the minds, body and spirit in alignment to become a better version of yourself.

Know the importance of taking the time out to reflect on the challenges you've over come to help you become a better version of yourself.




Carla Allen is originally from NorfolK, VA currently lives in North Carolina. Carla is an author, entrepreneur, motival speaker and she is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer. Carla has overcome numerous adversities and challenges and she know what it takes to win the battle of building your mental strength while maintaining a healthy life style. Carla has always had a passion for helping people. She is now using her voice to uplift and inspire other people to truly see and become a better version of themselves mentally and physically.

Release Replenish Rejuvenate
  • Learners1
  • Sections5
  • Lessons5
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English
  • Certificate No
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